Fiscal and taxation
Information, updates and explanatory/applicatory assistance on fiscal and taxation matters of direct company interest.
Production regulation
Bureaucratic requirements for starting up and running an industrial company, enrolment on company registers, customs and habits, labelling of food items and dangerous substances.
Home market
Information and updates on the regulation of prices, public tenders, public supplies, electricity, methane, oil products
Credit, financing and facilities
Information and updates on the cost of money and the main financial tools, and the conventions with the credit system. Consultancy and assistance with regard to the special regulations for the financing and facilities concerning industrial businesses.
Foreign trade
Information, updates and consultancy for customs formalities, and the regulations and tools regarding the insurance, financing and promotion of exports. Information and assistance about economic missions abroad, transnational industrial co-operation, and other promotional initiatives for the internationalisation of small and medium-sized companies.
Town planning, industrial areas and infrastructure
Analysis and appraisal of national and local measures regarding the use, protection and planning of the territory, information and consultancy concerning general town planning schemes and building regulations, with reference to the industries.
Safety, environment, energy and quality
Information, updates and consultancy with regard to the protection of the environment and safety in the workplace, certificates and quality. Consultancy on matters of energy sources obtainable on the free market.
Assistance and consultancy regarding the regulations governing the transportation of goods overland, or by sea or air.
Professional training
Information and assistance for the relations with the public authorities dealing with professional training, and for access to financial contributions in favour of company training programmes, as indicated in the EEC, national and regional regulations.
Accident prevention, hygiene and safety in the workplace
Treatment, consultancy and updates on matters of hygiene, safety and accident prevention in the workplace.
Trade-union co-ordination and representation
Management of the Association’s union policy, consultancy and assistance for companies for all problems regarding trade-union relations, personnel management and work regulations.
Interventions with public and trade-union bodies for the handling of all questions relating to employer-employee relations.
Co-ordination of union policies and investigation of questions regarding legislation and contractual regulations.
Participation in institutional committees, co-ordination groups for members (Co-ordination Personnel Managers, Co-ordination Safety and Co-ordination Welfare).
Industrial relations and/or trade-union relations in general
Assistance for member companies on all issues of industrial and trade-union relations.
Co-ordination with the confederal system.
Individual and collective disputes
Assistance in dealing with collective disputes, especially second level collective bargaining. Management of company transfer procedures, business termination procedures, personnel cutbacks, layoffs, ordinary and extraordinary temporary redundancy.
Employment Policy
The various aspects of employment policy: information, consultancy and assistance in the interpretation and application of every rule of law, regulation and collective contract regarding work, trade-union relations and social legislation; the setting up and termination of work relations; the execution of various practices; regulations concerning ordinary and obligatory employment; the arrangement of (and assistance with) atypical work contracts (training and work contracts, part-time, apprenticeships, forward contracts); assistance with contracts for agents and representatives; participation in (and interpretation of) the various national collective labour agreements of the sector.
National collective labour agreements
Essential and applicatory aspects of all national collective labour agreements relating to the industrial and services sectors.
For some important sectors of the provincial industry, direct participation in the contractual phase (entrepreneurial delegation).
Welfare and social security
Assistance in the interpretation and application of the regulations currently in force, with updates and information on all obligatory practices. Assistance and consultancy in the event of litigation and appeals to the authorities. Representation of the industry within the administrative and managerial bodies of the welfare institutions.
The laws of work
Information and consultancy with regard to the direction taken by the law, at the various levels, concerning all the aspects and institutions of work relations.
Assistance and consultancy for matters concerning confidentiality and personal data.