Confindustria Alessandria
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Each member company has the right to participate in the choices and the policy formation of the Association, via the roles and functions specified in the statute.

Members of the Association

Other representative bodies

Within the Italian Manufacturers’ Association system, and also the Employers’ Association of Alessandria, there are two specific representation bodies that work alongside each other:

•the Small Industries Group

this brings together more than 80% of the companies that represent the fundamental structure of the industrial system of Alessandria: the companies that participate in the Small Industries Group elect their representative, both for the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee. The aim of the Small Industries Group is to deal with the specific problems of the smaller industries and to highlight their interests and development needs within the framework of the national industry and economy.

•the Young Entrepreneurs Group

this supports and encourages an awareness of the social, economic and political functions of free entrepreneurial initiative, and contributes to the professional training and experience of young entrepreneurs and managers. It participates, with its own representative, in both the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee of the Association.

Confindustria: Confederation of Italian Industry

The essence of the Association’s work, presence, way of being and of acting is in representation and services.

 Although it is not always easy, or constructive, to see where the first element ends and the second begins, it is useful to distinguish that, as a general rule:

•REPRESENTATION refers to the identification, formulation, promotion and protection of the interests (legitimate ones, naturally) of the companies of a sector, of more than one sector, of all the industry of a determinate territory (in this case, the province of Alessandria) and, as a confederal system, of the entire country;

•SERVICES are tendentially (even when, as in the case of information, they involve many companies) related to the individual company, or the individual entrepreneur with his relevant, personal needs.

Consequently, also the representation of, or assistance to, the individual company in its various relations with public administration and the Social Parties forms part of the Services area.

CONFINDUSTRIA ALESSANDRIA - VIA LEGNANO, 34 - 15121 ALESSANDRIA - ITALIA - T (+39) 0131 201511 F (+39) 0131 252573 - COD. FISCALE 80004670065